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Articles with this tag
Spice up your dashboard with not-so-boring avatars! · Foreword This article is inspired by the awesome filament-boring-avatars package. It allows...
Bridging two different worlds · Foreword I recently converted our Laravel codebase to use PestPHP as our testing framework. The decision is great so far....
Problem I had a problem in Lumen where each of my integrated tests ran for about a minute. This was slow and counterproductive for me. My initial...
Problem I was looking for the RequestHandled event in Lumen. Unfortunately, I was not able to find it. This event can be found in Laravel through the...
I remember my times using Lumen. I did not know composer scripts back then so I had to type vendor/bin/phpunit painstakingly when running my tests. I...
Foreword Over the past week, I was studying about microservices and event-driven architecture. I decided to go with the event sourcing paradigm since...